backwoodsophisticate made the front page on Etsy yesterday. It looked slightly different than this, as at least one item sold, but I took this screen capture before it went up on the front page.
Not much new in the jewellery department as I've been working on my website. You can reach it through the links in the header on this blog. I'm still tweaking things, but I am beginning to suspect that will be a never-ending process.
Last post I was tagged by three enthusiastic members of the eSMARTs team - Tanya Ross, Robin Schiltz, and Kimberly Ries. I'm afraid that I'm not going to tag six more people, like the game requires, but I will tell you six things about me.
1. I love bright colours but most of my clothing is neutrals.
2. I've lived in the high arctic.
3. I didn't like ice cream as a child.
4. I'm allergic to cats, guinea pigs, and porcupines.
5. I love to plant things but I'm not so good at watering.
6. I wish I took better photos of my dogs and kids.
If anyone reading this wants to join the game just let me know - I'll be happy to tag you.
Is there a funny story that makes people LOL concerning how you discovered the allergy to porcupines?? *grin*
Kateri (who thinks she's allergic to *everything* in Texas :~P
Your metal work is lovely. I especially like the earrings with the bezel set stone. What an accomplishment!
No, no funny story, just an orphaned baby at a vet clinic that liked to sit on peoples' feet. He(she?) was pretty cute for such a prickly little thing!
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